Friday, September 18, 2015

Sisir tanduk Mermaid & Frozen hairstyle

Sisir wanita dan anak untuk keperluan khusus, seperti untuk tata rambut saat pesta atau acara pernikahan,
keistimewaan : 
FUNGSI KHUSUS gigi untuk sasak & ekor sisir untuk memilah rambut saat di kepang/ikal.
sangat memudahkan saat menata rambut & tidak menimbulkan listrik statis saat digunakan.

order: sms/wa 085868830500

jangan lupa order sisirnya yach...pakai sisir biasa ngga bisa dech jadi begini :)

Thursday, May 28, 2015

HAIR & Electromagnetic energy.

Hair is a conductor of the body’s electromagnetic energy.
 Ever see how the antenna wire in an AM radio is coiled in a circle?
 That’s because of something called:
 Induction causes any conductor of electromagnetic energy to induce a current in adjacent conductors. 
This means that when you coil a conductor, the signal becomes much stronger. 
Hairs on top of the head act as antennae.
 They conduct energy into the body.
 Also, wearing the hair on top of the head protects the top of the head from sun and exposure, as well as channeling solar energy and improving vitamin D absorbtion.

prevent static electricity , do not catch and pull at our hair!!
moderate plastic or metal combs
can generate static electricity , scratching the scalp and pull the natural oils from your hair ,
so without feeling much hair loss , cracked, dry and dull gray.
 sisir tanduk & kayu 085868830500
no chemical added on processing 

Consider the possibility that the hair on your head is there to do more than just look good,
 we should take care of them carefully. 
 Don't just follow the trends to cut off our hair or coloring them.

HAIR PIN, Jepit rambut dari TANDUK

HAIR PIN, Jepit rambut dari TANDUK

dengan motif special, masing2 punya warna dan corak tersendiri 
 contact order:: 0858 688 30 500 (sms/wa)

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sisir TANDUK untuk Rambut PANJANG & IKAL

Using a horn comb or  wooden comb
 for combing your hair as it gives a lot of circulation and stimulation to the scalp,
 and the horn/wood does not create static electricity, 
which causes a loss of the hair's energy to the brain. 

Sisir Ukir gigi jarang untuk wanita berambut panjang  
order: sms/wa 085868830500 
You will find that,
 if you comb your hair and scalp front to back, back to front, and then to the right and left several times,
 it will refresh you, no matter how long your hair is. 
All the tiredness of your day will be gone.

For women,
 it is said that using this technique to comb your hair twice a day 
can help maintain youth,
 a healthy menstrual cycle, and good eyesight.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


"When the hair on your head is allowed to attain its full, mature length,
 then phosphorous, calcium, and vitamin D are all produced, and enter the lymphatic fluid, 
and eventually the spinal fluid through the two ducts on the top of the brain.
This ionic change creates more efficient memory and leads to greater physical energy, improved stamina, and patience."

Sisir wanita & anak model lurus
order: 0858 688 30 500  sms/wa

if you choose to cut your hair, 
 you not only lose this extra energy and nourishment, but your body must then provide a great amount of vital energy and nutrients to continually re-grow the missing hair.

sisir wanita ukir lengkung 
order : 085868830500 sms/wa

Sunday, July 20, 2014


"Your hair is not there by mistake,
It has a definite purpose."

"Our hair fashions might be just a trend, but if we investigate, we may find that we have been depriving ourselves of one of the most valuable sources of energy for human vitality." 
 sisir pria @ Rp. 15.000,-

Consider the possibility that the hair on your head is there to do more than just look good. 
Man is the only creature who grows longer hair on his head as he grows into adulthood. Left uncut, your hair will grow to a particular length and then stop all by itself at the correct length for you. 
Hair is an amazing gift from LORD
the CREATOR of nature
that hair can actually help raise the creative life force energy , which increases vitality, intuition, and tranquility.

sisir tanduk Pria dalam berbagai ukuran
Jangan lupa peliharalah rambut Anda dengan baik, karena kesehatan rambut juga mengindikasikan kesehatan tubuh pemiliknya. 
Kurang lengkap rasanya bawa HPO tanpa ada sisir tanduk di dalamnya..apa sich manfaat sisir tanduk ini? emang buat pria juga ada manfaatnya??
YUK BACA yang SATU ini :
Kebanyakan ahli rambut menyatakan bahwa 
"Pola Kebotakan"
disebabkan oleh sirkulasi darah terganggu ke akar rambut. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena jaringan kulit kepala terlalu ketat. Menyisir teratur dapat membantu meningkatkan kualitas rambut,  
Menyisir mendalam sebagai pijat kulit kepala dan membantu membersihkan kotoran pada permukaan kulit kepala, kulit mati, dan ketombe.

 Pengaruh TERAPI SISIR TANDUK pada rambut:
 peningkatan energi
    ketajaman mental lebih besar
    " membangunkan " otak di pagi hari
    meningkatkan ketajaman visual
    menenangkan tubuh sebelum tidur
    menenangkan jiwa
    mengatur meridian
    melemaskan otot-otot leher
    mencegah pilek
    membersihkan sinus
    menurunkan tekanan darah
    meredakan sakit kepala
    merangsang folikel rambut
    meningkatkan kekuatan dan kesehatan rambut

lengkapnya silahkan dibaca diposting sebelumnya.


 Sisir Tanduk Wanita ini cantik sekali

 Well, for those who want to stay young and beautiful hair
please use this buffalo horn comb for your benefit healthy head & hairs
no chemical added on processing
Ukiran dibuat secara special, yang merupakan kerajinan  
asli buatan tangan (handmade) 
masing-masing sisir mempunyai motif dan corak tersendiri
 yang semakin membuat jatuh hati.

  sisir ukir lurus sedang

Ukuran sisir juga pas untuk tangan seorang wanita,
 enak dipakai dan bisa masuk ke dompet maupun ke tas kecil..apalagi yang besar ;) 
cantik & mudah dibawa kan?!
yang lebih penting tidak merusak rambut karena mencegah adanya listrik statis...silahkan dibawa tips perawatan rambutnya ya..

 cocok dibawa pergi baik ke kantor maupun ke pesta
OK banget 
 Sisir wanita ukir lurus besar  & sedang

prevent static electricity , do not catch and pull at our hair!!
moderate plastic or metal combs
can generate static electricity , scratching the scalp and pull the natural oils from your hair ,
so without feeling much hair loss , cracked, dry and dull gray.

cocok untuk koleksi karena sekali beli buat selamanya.. 
tahan & awet
sebagai barang ANTIK untuk diwariskan ke cucu :)