Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sisir TANDUK untuk Rambut PANJANG & IKAL

Using a horn comb or  wooden comb
 for combing your hair as it gives a lot of circulation and stimulation to the scalp,
 and the horn/wood does not create static electricity, 
which causes a loss of the hair's energy to the brain. 

Sisir Ukir gigi jarang untuk wanita berambut panjang  
order: sms/wa 085868830500 
You will find that,
 if you comb your hair and scalp front to back, back to front, and then to the right and left several times,
 it will refresh you, no matter how long your hair is. 
All the tiredness of your day will be gone.

For women,
 it is said that using this technique to comb your hair twice a day 
can help maintain youth,
 a healthy menstrual cycle, and good eyesight.